Sunday, October 3, 2010

American Ride

This is my Ford man. He's all about the American Ride Toby Keith sings all about. So dang cute, even if it's a "borrowed" ride.

Knock On Wood

This is just a random picture of my J eating a JUMBO marshmallow smore. Classic J.
This week my J and I were driving on an adventure and the conversation turned to the "early days" of marriage. (We've been married a whopping 8.5 months now and are experts of course.) We remembered the hard days of marriage adjustment. Mostly that included me struggling to adjust and J being patient. I'm not going to lie though that I felt a great sense of accomplishment though when both of us agreed we had gotten "through" those days and were in a more settled time of our relationship/marriage. 8.5 months ago I definitely made the right choice to marry my guy. And I'm more shocked to admit that I feel that way in spite of the fact that his socks don't quite make it to the hamper every night...

Blog Worthy

I know... I've been off the blogging circuit for some time now... many moons... and of course, as in everyone's life, a lot has happened. I'll struggle getting caught up, and to be honest, probably wont try my hardest to do so. But here we are again and I'm adding to our blogging history. This call to action was actually spurred on by my husband. We were off on an adventure this week and while taking pictures, we discussed what we did with our pictures. Surprisingly he said, "Y'know, I miss reading what you're thinking on the blog." Heck, I didn't even know he KNEW we had a blog. So, definitely, that's blog worthy, and here I am, writing my thoughts. Dedicated to my dear, always surprising me hubby.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I've always been a fan of singing out loud in public with earnest, heartfelt emotion. And doing it loud. Y'know, karaoke and I are dear friends. We were pretty stoked to spend an evening at a dueling piano bar the other night after a fantastic steak dinner. The pianists were really great and definitely earned their money. And we sang and sang and sang... so much singing to be had.
Got through the night and realized we didn't take any pictures of us to post... But we sang!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

SkyBox and The Jazz

I definitely married me a sports enthusiast. And in my short tenure in marriage I've learned to do his thing (which isn't really that hard to do) so that we can do my thing. Last night we headed downtown to Skybox to catch the Jazz playoff game and hang. I really had a fun time with my guy even with the table seating conspiracy we endured. But we did come out ahead with comp'd wings. Now today is my day to choose what we do.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Every Blooming Thing

We were blessed to have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir come perform at our Gala this year. They were amazing. As part of the table decorations, we had placed beautiful planted orchids that were all abloom. Before the Gala began, I noticed there was one orchid plant that had not bloomed and I thought to myself, "poor chap, because he hasn't bloomed I bet not a soul will buy you." At the end of the night, my boss approached me and handed that exact plant to me. I don't care if no one wanted him, he was mine and I would love him even if he didn't bloom. And then one week later, wa la, we've bloomed. I couldn't love my delicate, tossed to the side because he wasn't showy enough, orchid more.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'm not the first person in history to say "the first year of marriage is hard." And I'm sure I won't be the last. Yes, it's challenging getting used to each others nuances and quirks. BUT then there are those good moments, the really good moments when you look at your husband and can't help but smile because he's one of the good guys. This week we had a full day together doing our own thing with no other obligations. At the end of the day, holding his hand and walking to our car, I again had a moment that erased the silly strain of socks left on the floor, and smiled because he is one of the good guys.
I guess it's actually true that in life we have moments that are powerful enough to get us through the daily life experiences we have. For me, I just need to be greatful and show appreciation for those moments and pray they linger longer.